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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone imbalance problem that can interfere with normal ovulation.
  Symptoms tend to build gradually, and often begin in the early teens due to hormone changes. PCOS symptoms include:
  Missed menstrual periods, irregular periods, heavy bleeding during periods, or long times between periods
  Increased hair growth (hirsutism) on the face, chest, back and other areas
  Hair loss on the scalp
  Being overweight (other symptoms may be noticeable after weight gain) While many people may consider obesity as a main symptom of the disease, approximately one-third of women with PCOS have normal weight or are underweight.
  Acne problems

Having trouble becoming pregnant?

How to diagnose PCOS?
A physical exam, review of medical history, blood tests and ultrasound are used to detect PCOS. A woman is diagnosed as having PCOS if she has two of three issues: anovulation (lack of ovulation), high testosterone levels, and polycystic ovaries (ovaries that have multiple cysts containing eggs).

Treatment Options:
There is no cure for PCOS, but it can be managed. Treatments should be tailored to the patient’s need.

  Lifestyle choices such as losing weight can reduce symptoms and improve PCOS.
  The benefits of weight reduction include improved ovulatory function, improved chances of conception, a safer pregnancy for both the mother and baby, and—if needed—better response to fertility medications
  For women who are not concerned with immediate fertility, or are in their teen age groups can be offered with hormonal /contraceptive pills /anti-androgens pills alone or in combination which aims at reducing their symptoms with acne and hirsutism.
  Patient’s who  are trying to conceive with irregular menses can be put on different oral ovulation induction medicines or/and injectable gonadotropins hormonal injections to ovulate (letrozole/clomiphene citrate and many more).
  Since gonadotropins are associated with higher risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and multiple pregnancy, women taking this medication should be closely monitored. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a surgical option. In this procedure, the surgeon makes small cuts in the abdomen and inserts a needle with an electrical current.
  They use the electric current to destroy a small amount of tissue that produces testosterone on the ovary. Decreasing testosterone levels may allow regular ovulation to occur.
  Assurance in PCOS patient is offering them IVF treatment.
  Strict monitoring will be required to avoid hyperstimulation (OHSS) which is serious conditions and major drawback of undergoing ovarian stimulation during IVF in PCOS patients.