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Do's & Don'ts during pregnancy

Do's during pregnancy:
1.    Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products.
2.    Take prenatal vitamins and supplements as recommended by your healthcare provider.
3.    Get regular exercise, as approved by your healthcare provider, to help keep you and your baby healthy.
4.    Get enough sleep and rest when you need it.
5.    Attend all of your prenatal appointments and follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for prenatal care.
6.    Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids.
7.    Practice good hygiene, including washing your hands frequently and brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.
8.    Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and shoes that support your feet.
9.    Stay informed about your pregnancy and ask your healthcare provider any questions you may have.
10.    Prepare for the birth of your baby by taking childbirth education classes and creating a birth plan.

Don'ts during pregnancy:

1.    Don't Smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs, as they can harm your baby's development.
2.    Don't Eat raw or undercooked meats, fish, or eggs, which can carry harmful bacteria or parasites.
3.    Don't Take any medications or supplements without first consulting your healthcare provider.
4.    Don't Engage in high-risk activities, such as contact sports, skiing, or horseback riding, which can put you and your baby in danger.
5.    Don't Expose yourself to harmful chemicals, such as cleaning products or pesticides, which can harm your developing baby.
6.    Don't Eat foods with high levels of mercury, such as certain types of fish, which can harm your baby's developing nervous system.
7.    Don't Ignore warning signs, such as bleeding or cramping, and contact your healthcare provider right away if you experience any concerning symptoms.
8.    Don't Neglect your mental health needs, and seek support if you experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy.
9.    Don't Skip prenatal appointments or prenatal care, which are crucial for monitoring your baby's development and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.
10.    Don't Stress yourself out unnecessarily, and find ways to relax and manage stress during pregnancy.